Thursday, April 02, 2009

Still no free flowers!!

Sorry to belabor the point....but come on....."Makayla"??? What about a SIMPLE name like "KAREN"???


affectioknit said...

I'm sure they're going to get around to Karen eventually - have you ever seen Teresa - or Elizabeth?



Just Marianne said...

If you see "Marianne" let me know! Would Mary Ann or Maryann or Mary Anne or Maryanne or Merry Anne or Mariann count?

Karen said...

haha - now it's GAME ON!! no, i've seen Ginger, Susan, George, Sheila.....none of the above yet!

Joyce Mineer said...

DUDE!!!! I was in there yesterday trying to sell him radio advertising and the name was SYLVIA!!! REALLY? SERIOUSLY??? I'm with you on this one my friend!!!