Friday, June 24, 2016

Warm Walk in the Woods

How was that title for alliteration! 

In keeping with our desire for a little fitness for our upcoming Glacier NP / Canada trip, we went to Jordan Lake for another 5 mile hike. 

We were on the trail by 10AM, but it was still hot!

I snapped a photo - but I must have not stopped and aimed.  Sorry for the blurr.  Other than the heat, it was a beautiful day!

I stopped along the path and picked up a couple of hickory nuts that looked healthy.

Cracked them open - the little round nut looked promising, but it must have been last year's fruit.  It was dry and mealy.  I guess the squirrels knew what they were doing when they left these on the ground!  Good fun.


Elizabeth said...

How much more time do you have to "get in shape"?? Keep Cool!!! MOM

Karen said...

oh, a couple of months....hope we can stay motivated!